Friday, December 14, 2012

Chapter Ten Quotes

"We grew up with the idea that learning means taking courses in school." (p.129) This is true, but I think that we need to open our minds to sharing the placement of education from just the classroom to a hybrid of classroom and education.

"The current school system does not help students develop intrinsic motivation to learn." (p.131)  I don't think that is true I think that the structure of our school system helps students learn and technology should just be used to supplement what we learn in the classroom.

"America has not helped its citizens manage the transition to adulthood as well as other countries with apprenticeship systems." (p.137) I think that some of our reliance of using technology to educate our kids can provide not always the best information for young minds.  So yes I think that our transition into adulthood can be troubled because of our exposure to information at young ages.

Chapter Nine Quotes

"Even those of us who don't embrace technology in our lives now must understand the possibilities of the new technologies from the inside, if we want to guide the future of education." (p.122)  Many people don't want to have to deal with technology, but just to ignore the fact that we have the ability to make a difference with these technologies is something we should not overlook.

"A common concern expressed by parents and teachers is that time inline equals more time that kids aren't reading books." (p.124)  I think that they have every right to feel this way because most of the time kids are not using the internet for educational purposes.  But I think that is also why it is important to incorporate technology into education because then students will become accustomed to using technology for education.

"The convergence of peer and popular culture through technologies presents possibly the largest threat for schools and parents." (p.125)  I think they have a valid reason to think that; however, I think that if teachers are prepared enough they can use technology to connect their students with their peers as well as other teachers and students by using technological networking sites.

Chapter Eight Quotes

"The national obsession with standardized testing has led some researchers to pursue new understandings of how to measure learning." (p.113)  This has brought controversy to many because with all the standardized testing nowadays some teachers are just teaching to the tests so that their school can receive more money from the government.  This does not lead to learning.

"Computers are revolutionizing how we measure what people know."  (p.115) With the ability of computers we can now take tests online and we are using technology to measure what people know by ways of many different tests.

"Outside the realm of standards-based subject matter, games can also help students develop interpersonal and leadership skills." (p.119) Many types of technology, including games help boost students abilities in both education as well as skills such as leadership and confidence.

Chapter Seven Quotes

"There is also the potential decline of liberal arts as education becomes more centered on the individual." (p.107) This is a real concern because if all we are focusing on in America is ourselves and our progress we will lose sight of the bigger picture that encompasses the whole world.

"We see the current equity issues in education increasing with the penetration of technology into education." (p.108)   From a pessimistic view, they are worried that technology will destroy the structure that our education system is built on.  Which could happen, but it is important to keep in mind how helpful technology can be for us and our computer.

"Another potential gain stems from the capability of computers to customize education to the particular needs and abilities of individual learners." (p.109) Technology can be used to help boost students' abilities for students on any level of capabilities. This is great for enriching our students' creativity and education.

Chapter Six Quotes

"In the apprenticeship era, parents would decide what their children would learn." (p.91) This idea is so foreign to us now because everybody that has any access to a computer has a connection to the world wide web and an incredible field of information, and often times parents do not have control over what their children are learning."

"The pedagogy of the lifelong-learning era is evolving toward reliance on interaction." (p.97) Interaction during the learning process is very important because it allows for easy access to experts such as teachers or other figures of knowledge. 

"As learning moves out of a school setting, peer culture may weaken when children are working on tasks with their parents and other adults, or in a media environment." (p.101) If children are simply raised to use technology to get their information and don't go to school they will lose the social interaction that they gain from being in the classroom with their peers.  This will not be good for our future society to have unsocial rulers of our country.

Chapter Five Quotes

"Home schooling has been successful at improving student learning." (p.67) This becomes more true with the ever evolving technologies available to everybody such as Khan Academy videos.  They provide strong ways to learn materials without entering a school.

"We can illustrate how home schooling might look in the future, as it spreads to new segments of the population." (p.69) It is easy to see how home schooling can be progressing because of all the technologies that are available.  Sadly, soon we may not need to attend school to obtain wanted information.

"Distance education has, of course, been around for a long time." (p.75) This is true; however, nowadays distance education has been made much easier for us to carry out.

Chapter Four Quotes

"There was a transformation in education in the first half of the 19th century much like the the one we are experiencing now, from a system based on apprenticeship to universal schooling." (p.49)  This passage suggests that we are going through another revolution as far as schooling goes except this time it involves technology.

"The early years of universal schooling saw many developments in the ways that schools were structured and operated." (p.56) This suggests that when we use new technologies that it is important to try and keep the technology that we use uniform throughout the country if at all possible.

"Many characteristics of the school system now in place were innovations made in initial years." (p.59) This suggests that even though we now have new technologies and new methods of teaching then back in the early years, the structure of the system remains very similar.