Monday, November 12, 2012


I really enjoyed working with my group to create a podcast.  I think it is a neat way to get everybody interactive with the material.  I was the recorder and editor, but I still really enjoyed working with my group and hearing how they interacted with one another and the answers that they gave to the questions asked.  I think this wold be a really great tool to use in the classroom. Even as a group project, this would be a great way for the students to interact with the material while still working as a group to achieve a common goal.  I could see myself assigning my students this as maybe an extra credit opportunity, but I also think that this would be a great way for students to review for an exam or test.  I think by them being able to talk about the material with one another and having it recorded is a great way for them to be put in a professional setting while still working with in class material.  I actually look forward to finding different ways to incorporate this type of project into my lesson plans.  I also think that the students will enjoy it to, it is a fun way to interact with technology while still learning. 

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