Sunday, October 28, 2012


Pacific North Tree Octopus
I found this to not be a credible site because the site was linked to any educational facility.  There were no credible scientific facts to back up the existence of these animals. As under the FAQ's, they do not talk about the animal at all.  It's all about what the animal is called.  It doesn't actually answer any scientific questions about it.


This was an annoying site, although there were snippets of the truth, the presentation of it was very disrespectful.  I would not use this site for anything.  Also the writing of the information was not done in a professional manner so I would not recommend it to students or peers for use of information.


I found this to be a very credible source.  Within the website, the authors gave information about themselves and almost all of them have a masters or a doctorate.  Also, they have copyright information at the bottom of the page which tells me that their information is legitimate. The website is overall well put together.


This site is set up very well and even has a donation link.  However, being a scientist I know that DHMO = H20 which = WATER!!! So I find this site bogus because it is trying to scare people into donating money to ban water which we can't live without.  Although, the site is very convincing to the untrained person it is even up to date showing the viewer that the page is current.

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