Sunday, October 7, 2012

Chapters 7 & 9

1) How does this reading impact your thinking about technology's role in teaching and learning?
     After reading these chapters I am interested to start using photos as a key aspect to my classroom.  I think having a Flickr account attached to my class blog would be a fun way to keep students and parents up to date on what is going on in my class.  I think it could be fun to have pictures of students working together on labs on the website for the parents to see.  I also thing it could be a good idea to put up pictures of the lab procedures so that students can review what was done in a lab or class period.
      As far as Facebook, I think that is a great social networking site, but I would rather my students not use that during my class.  I will do my best to encourage students to collaborate using the class blog so that all the students are able to contribute to the conversations.

2) What will you do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking? 
       As a teacher I am going to do my best to keep the students collaborating with their peers on class websites and blogs.  I think it is very important for them to realize the important resource that their peers as well as myself are.  Also I am going to do my best to incorporate pictures and other sources of media to my lessons.  I believe that many students learn well from visual presentation of the material.  I am hoping that providing them with these resources will help them grasp and process the information in a positive manner.

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