Monday, September 17, 2012

Response to questions 1-3

1: What were the main point of the Frontline videos, Multitasking Makes You Less Productive and the Multitasking game?
   The main points of each of these was to point out that multitasking is a distraction to your learning.  When you start trying to do more than one thing at a given time, it becomes harder to balance each of those activities and one is bound to fall to the side.  And the more you try to do at the same time the harder it is going to be to focus on any one of those things. 

2. How do these resources impact your thinking about technology’s influence on multitasking?
   I think that technology only adds to want to multitask.  With the internet being so readily available and students having access to all sorts of sites like Hulu and YouTube, and applications like iTunes, I think the ability to only stay focused on one task is very hard these days.  I know personally when I work on papers I like to have music playing in the background, but even that is a form of multitasking and I could be compromising some of my attention to listen to the music.

3. What will you do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking?
   As a teacher I will not allow the use of technologies such as iPods, computers, tablets, or cell phones in my class.  And if I see a student using one of these technologies without my permission they will get in trouble for it.  I believe that if they have the technology they will want to use it and that will only distract them for the lesson that I am trying to teach.  So no multitasking during my classes.

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