Friday, December 14, 2012

Chapter Ten Quotes

"We grew up with the idea that learning means taking courses in school." (p.129) This is true, but I think that we need to open our minds to sharing the placement of education from just the classroom to a hybrid of classroom and education.

"The current school system does not help students develop intrinsic motivation to learn." (p.131)  I don't think that is true I think that the structure of our school system helps students learn and technology should just be used to supplement what we learn in the classroom.

"America has not helped its citizens manage the transition to adulthood as well as other countries with apprenticeship systems." (p.137) I think that some of our reliance of using technology to educate our kids can provide not always the best information for young minds.  So yes I think that our transition into adulthood can be troubled because of our exposure to information at young ages.

Chapter Nine Quotes

"Even those of us who don't embrace technology in our lives now must understand the possibilities of the new technologies from the inside, if we want to guide the future of education." (p.122)  Many people don't want to have to deal with technology, but just to ignore the fact that we have the ability to make a difference with these technologies is something we should not overlook.

"A common concern expressed by parents and teachers is that time inline equals more time that kids aren't reading books." (p.124)  I think that they have every right to feel this way because most of the time kids are not using the internet for educational purposes.  But I think that is also why it is important to incorporate technology into education because then students will become accustomed to using technology for education.

"The convergence of peer and popular culture through technologies presents possibly the largest threat for schools and parents." (p.125)  I think they have a valid reason to think that; however, I think that if teachers are prepared enough they can use technology to connect their students with their peers as well as other teachers and students by using technological networking sites.

Chapter Eight Quotes

"The national obsession with standardized testing has led some researchers to pursue new understandings of how to measure learning." (p.113)  This has brought controversy to many because with all the standardized testing nowadays some teachers are just teaching to the tests so that their school can receive more money from the government.  This does not lead to learning.

"Computers are revolutionizing how we measure what people know."  (p.115) With the ability of computers we can now take tests online and we are using technology to measure what people know by ways of many different tests.

"Outside the realm of standards-based subject matter, games can also help students develop interpersonal and leadership skills." (p.119) Many types of technology, including games help boost students abilities in both education as well as skills such as leadership and confidence.

Chapter Seven Quotes

"There is also the potential decline of liberal arts as education becomes more centered on the individual." (p.107) This is a real concern because if all we are focusing on in America is ourselves and our progress we will lose sight of the bigger picture that encompasses the whole world.

"We see the current equity issues in education increasing with the penetration of technology into education." (p.108)   From a pessimistic view, they are worried that technology will destroy the structure that our education system is built on.  Which could happen, but it is important to keep in mind how helpful technology can be for us and our computer.

"Another potential gain stems from the capability of computers to customize education to the particular needs and abilities of individual learners." (p.109) Technology can be used to help boost students' abilities for students on any level of capabilities. This is great for enriching our students' creativity and education.

Chapter Six Quotes

"In the apprenticeship era, parents would decide what their children would learn." (p.91) This idea is so foreign to us now because everybody that has any access to a computer has a connection to the world wide web and an incredible field of information, and often times parents do not have control over what their children are learning."

"The pedagogy of the lifelong-learning era is evolving toward reliance on interaction." (p.97) Interaction during the learning process is very important because it allows for easy access to experts such as teachers or other figures of knowledge. 

"As learning moves out of a school setting, peer culture may weaken when children are working on tasks with their parents and other adults, or in a media environment." (p.101) If children are simply raised to use technology to get their information and don't go to school they will lose the social interaction that they gain from being in the classroom with their peers.  This will not be good for our future society to have unsocial rulers of our country.

Chapter Five Quotes

"Home schooling has been successful at improving student learning." (p.67) This becomes more true with the ever evolving technologies available to everybody such as Khan Academy videos.  They provide strong ways to learn materials without entering a school.

"We can illustrate how home schooling might look in the future, as it spreads to new segments of the population." (p.69) It is easy to see how home schooling can be progressing because of all the technologies that are available.  Sadly, soon we may not need to attend school to obtain wanted information.

"Distance education has, of course, been around for a long time." (p.75) This is true; however, nowadays distance education has been made much easier for us to carry out.

Chapter Four Quotes

"There was a transformation in education in the first half of the 19th century much like the the one we are experiencing now, from a system based on apprenticeship to universal schooling." (p.49)  This passage suggests that we are going through another revolution as far as schooling goes except this time it involves technology.

"The early years of universal schooling saw many developments in the ways that schools were structured and operated." (p.56) This suggests that when we use new technologies that it is important to try and keep the technology that we use uniform throughout the country if at all possible.

"Many characteristics of the school system now in place were innovations made in initial years." (p.59) This suggests that even though we now have new technologies and new methods of teaching then back in the early years, the structure of the system remains very similar.

Chapter Three Quotes

"These points illustrate the long struggle educators have had with contemporary technologies." (p.31) This passage is key to realizing that there are in fact a lot of new types of technology and it is almost impossible for teachers these days to keep up to date with all the new technologies that there are to offer, and even of we wanted to, the funds to get these technologies is not possible.

"The school system relies on common and well-tested technologies." (p.33) This shows how schools are tending to lean towards technologies that have already been used in other classrooms than going out and buying a whole new type of technology.

"The technologies that guide a system can be as difficult to change as the practices they guide." (p.34) Once you have become used to a system, it is hard to change to a whole new type of technology.  It is hard for people to change their ways.

Chapter Two Quotes

"Student work in schools has always faced the artificial barrier of being legitimate only within the confines of the classroom." (p.25) This quotes shows us how much the internet and new technologies have to offer to the ordinary classroom.  It allows students to go beyond what they usually get in a classroom.

"Since students are leading the way in developing new models of communication, enthusiasts argue that it makes sense to let students take the lead in integrating new technologies into schools." (p.26)  It is important for our students to know about the new technologies because in the future they are going to be the ones that are going to have to utilize them.

"Enthusiasts believe that technology creates real opportunities for students to improve their performance over time by building opportunity for reflection into learning environments." (p.27) I think that this passage shows that it is important for students to be engaged with the material from class and sometimes new technology is the way to keep the students engaged.

Chapter One Quotes

"Over the course of educational history, the success of universal schooling has led us to identify learning with schooling." (p.3) This quotes really shows how important it is to understand that learning and schooling go together hand and hand and the use of technology is key to making this happen.

"Enthusiasts suggest that putting students in situations where computer tools will be necessary to solve complex problems will kickstart schools to change basic instructional practices." (p.13)  This quote is important because it really shows how we can use technology to enhance our students learning opportunities.

"The interactivity of new media technologies provides a number of capabilities that can enhance education." (p.18)  Again this provides us with support that technology is actually an important factor into students' learning nowadays.

12-10-12 Class

After watching 4 different screencasts, I think that the one that I would use the most would be dropbox.  I think that this tool is very useful for both students and teachers.  This tool is very useful for transferring information between any dropbox capable technology.  I could definitely see myself using this tool in my future classroom.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Learning Plan Framework

While working on my learning plan for I struggled to have to create a learning plan for a subject that is not major.  However, it was kind of fun experiencing what it was like to create a lesson for a different subject.  I put a good deal of thought into this lesson.  I chose to allow the students to choose the type of learning that they wanted to engage in at the end of the lesson.  This way they are interacting with the material in a way that they choose and I am not telling them how to do it so it allows them to have some control over how they are learning.  My hope is that the students would take advantage of that opportunity and ask any questions that they might have or clarify any misconceptions.  I think that writing this learning plan will help me in the future because it really opened my eyes to how important it is to help the students find their own way to learn.  If they are able to understand how they learn best, it will hopefully carry over into their other subjects.  If I can help them discover their learning abilities, I have done my job as their teacher.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


I think that Wallwisher is a cool tool; however, I do see some challenges for the program.  The only way that students can view the page is if they have to code to get into the page.  Sometimes that could be a problem.  However, I really enjoyed using Wallwisher in my group, it was a fun way to collaborate and share our ideas in one common area. I could see myself using Wallwisher in my classroom.  I think I would have the students use it to collaborate with their peers on maybe homework problems or even during class.  When the students are given quiet time to work, they could maybe use this program to work with other students while keeping a quiet environment for the other students.

Monday, November 12, 2012


I really enjoyed working with my group to create a podcast.  I think it is a neat way to get everybody interactive with the material.  I was the recorder and editor, but I still really enjoyed working with my group and hearing how they interacted with one another and the answers that they gave to the questions asked.  I think this wold be a really great tool to use in the classroom. Even as a group project, this would be a great way for the students to interact with the material while still working as a group to achieve a common goal.  I could see myself assigning my students this as maybe an extra credit opportunity, but I also think that this would be a great way for students to review for an exam or test.  I think by them being able to talk about the material with one another and having it recorded is a great way for them to be put in a professional setting while still working with in class material.  I actually look forward to finding different ways to incorporate this type of project into my lesson plans.  I also think that the students will enjoy it to, it is a fun way to interact with technology while still learning. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Self-grading tests

1.  What are  your reactions to self-grading tests?
     I think that self-grading tests can be very effective in a classroom, also it makes for a lot less work for me as the teacher.  Being able to simply record the grades into the grading spreadsheet allows me to have more time maybe working on my lesson plans or labs.

2.  How might you use a self-graded test in your future classes?
    I think I would use self-grading tests in my classroom; however, I would use it as a quizzing tool.  I could see maybe having weekly quizzes that the students have to take at home and can use their notes, and this system allows for quick responses to their answers.  However, I would not feel comfortable using it as my main test format, just because I will want my students to be taking their tests in my classroom and work on knowing the material, not having to use their notes.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Chapters one and two

Technology is becoming a huge part of our everyday lives.  It is important for us to stay as up to date with it as possible.  These readings brought to our attention that technology is being used as the soul means of education in some cases.  More and more people are taking online courses and are not even stepping foot in a classroom.  This has its positives and negatives.  This sort of education allows for easy collaboration with peers via chat-rooms, Skype, blogs and other devices.  As teachers it is important  to keep these aspects of technology in mind when putting together our classrooms.  We need to make sure that we are using our students' full potential, and using technology may be the way to do that.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Pacific North Tree Octopus
I found this to not be a credible site because the site was linked to any educational facility.  There were no credible scientific facts to back up the existence of these animals. As under the FAQ's, they do not talk about the animal at all.  It's all about what the animal is called.  It doesn't actually answer any scientific questions about it.


This was an annoying site, although there were snippets of the truth, the presentation of it was very disrespectful.  I would not use this site for anything.  Also the writing of the information was not done in a professional manner so I would not recommend it to students or peers for use of information.


I found this to be a very credible source.  Within the website, the authors gave information about themselves and almost all of them have a masters or a doctorate.  Also, they have copyright information at the bottom of the page which tells me that their information is legitimate. The website is overall well put together.


This site is set up very well and even has a donation link.  However, being a scientist I know that DHMO = H20 which = WATER!!! So I find this site bogus because it is trying to scare people into donating money to ban water which we can't live without.  Although, the site is very convincing to the untrained person it is even up to date showing the viewer that the page is current.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Chapter 10 and Epilogue

How does this reading impact your thinking about technology's role in teaching and learning?
    After reading this book it is clear to see that education is ever changing and with ever changing technology, teaching has to evolve in order to keep up with the new tools.  However, I do think that all these great technologies are only going to help us teach the next generation of students.  We, as teachers, just need to make sure that we use these technologies to our advantage.  For if we do, our students will enjoy learning and may even understand the concepts better with the presentation of technology.  So as new technology comes around, it is important for teachers to stay up to date with it, allowing us to connect with the material as well as the students.

What will you do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking?
    As I start my teaching career, I am going to do my best to stay as up to date with technology as I can.  It is easy to see that the students react better to information that is presented to them by way of technology.  So being able to produce lessons in cool new ways will engage the students and hopefully keep them interested in your subject.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Frontline Video

How does this video impact your thinking about technology’s role in the lives of your future learners? 
   With all new types of technology nowadays people are able to stay connected with anybody in just about anywhere they go.  For students, this can be a very useful tool: however, it can also be very distracting.  I think that learners these days have a great advantage because we have technology at our fingertips.  If there is ever a question that needs answering, all we have to do is flip on our smart phones.  This can be very useful and I can't even imagine what types of technology we will have 10-20 years from now.

What will you differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking?
   As a teacher I am hoping to stay up to date on the most recent technology thus allowing me to understand what type of information the students have at their disposal.  I will do my best to teach to their availability, if they have higher technology, maybe I will assign them more data based questions so that they have to use their new technology to find the answers.  Or at least something along those lines, I don't want my students to find my classes easy, I want them to be challenged, to dig deeper than just the basic understandings.  And if they have the technology to find the answers I will then expect them to use it.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Chapters 7 & 9

1) How does this reading impact your thinking about technology's role in teaching and learning?
     After reading these chapters I am interested to start using photos as a key aspect to my classroom.  I think having a Flickr account attached to my class blog would be a fun way to keep students and parents up to date on what is going on in my class.  I think it could be fun to have pictures of students working together on labs on the website for the parents to see.  I also thing it could be a good idea to put up pictures of the lab procedures so that students can review what was done in a lab or class period.
      As far as Facebook, I think that is a great social networking site, but I would rather my students not use that during my class.  I will do my best to encourage students to collaborate using the class blog so that all the students are able to contribute to the conversations.

2) What will you do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking? 
       As a teacher I am going to do my best to keep the students collaborating with their peers on class websites and blogs.  I think it is very important for them to realize the important resource that their peers as well as myself are.  Also I am going to do my best to incorporate pictures and other sources of media to my lessons.  I believe that many students learn well from visual presentation of the material.  I am hoping that providing them with these resources will help them grasp and process the information in a positive manner.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Chapter 8

1) How does this reading impact your thinking about technology's role in teaching and learning?
   After reading about and working with podcast and programs like that, I think that these are very useful tools for the classroom. Again, after reading these sections, I feel that technology if a very important resource to engage the students.  I feel that the more variety of technology, the more excited the students are going to be to learn about the different subjects because they are being presented in a different way than usual.

2) What will you do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking? 
    I plan on using podcasts when I am a teacher.  I think it is a very effective way give directions to the students.  In my classroom I can use it to explain how to do a lab.  I can post it to the class page and then if the students had any question about the execution of the lab, they will be able to listen to my given instructions.  Also, I think it would be a good tool to communicate with the students when it would be easier to talk the directions rather than write them in an email.

My First Podcast!

1) How much effort did you exert preparing for and creating the podcast?

    First I read the article and made sure I knew what was being talked about and that I understood the purpose of the article.  I then sat and reflected about the contents and then constructed my script that I would be able to read form during recording.  I then set up my Garageband and I then recorded multiple segments of my script and then pieced them together so that they flowed well with one another.  After the speaking roll was done, I found some fun sound effects to add to the presentation.  I then picked some epic Lord of the Rings music to use as my lead-in and lead-out music.  Finally I shared my Garageband creation with iTunes and uploaded my .mp3 file to D2L.

2) How does creating a podcast impact your future teaching?

    I think now that I know that it is not that hard to create a podcast, I am going to be more inclined to use them in my classroom.  I think this would be a good way to maybe deliver instructions to students and have it available to them on the computers.  That way if they have any question about the instruction all they would have to do is go to the file and listen to the directions again.  Also, I think it would be a good idea to sometimes record important lectures and make them available to students so that they have access to the information again.

The URL for this article can be found at: 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Frontline Video Response

1) How does this video impact your thinking about technology’s role in the lives of your learners?
  The kids that are going to be our students have grow up their whole lives having technology around them.  They don't know a world that is any different.  They are able to learn quickly and implement their learning of technology into their everyday lives.  Also, they tend to be more willing to learn from technology instead of just sitting in a classroom listening to a teacher lecture about a subject.  They would much rather go out onto the internet and explore the facts and information for themselves.  With technology changing all the time, students are interested in the next best thing and are curious about these technologies.  Being able to implement this curiosity in the class work is an important thing for teachers to learn.

2)What will you differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking?
   As a teacher I want to encourage my students to use technology and use it to find the answers to the questions that I am asking.  However, I feel that there is a point at which the technology should not be used.  I think in the classroom there should be no technology used by the students such as cell phones, laptops, and tablets.  I will; however, encourage interaction via technology to my students outside of class. I plan on setting up a class blog where I will be able to keep in touch with the class outside of school.  If they have any questions I would be willing to answer them or if they just needed clarification that would be a great way for them to communicate with me so that I am aware of the situation.  I also want the students to be actively involved in their own blogs so that they are able to collaborate with their peers and learn better group work techniques. Overall, technology is going to be a very important aspect of my future classroom.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Chapters 4 & 5

1) How does this reading impact your thinking about technology's role in teaching and learning?
   As a teacher of the future, I think it is going to be very important to use and understand how new programs work and how to implement them into my classroom.  I think things such as blogs and wikis are great ways to have electronic cooperation between yourself and the students as well as the students with their peers.  It is important to stay up to date with technology because you know the students are going to be, so in order to keep them interested and active with the class you are going to have to engage them with an extent.

2) What will you do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking?
    I think blogs and wikis should be dealt with at home and not while the students are actually in the classroom, it is important to keep them confident in social skills as well.  You don't want everything to be done behind a computer screen.  It is also a great way to keep the students active with the material while they are away from school.  This is a great tactic to keep them engaged even of they are not in the classroom.

14 Steps Reflection

After reading all of the steps to Meaningful Student Blogging I found the step of "Let them Explore" to be the most important.  I think this is the most important step because being able to explore and learn on your own without any direction is sometimes the best way to learn how to accomplish something you have never done before.  I always enjoy playing around with new programs and tools, but I find that when I have enough time I learn the most just playing around with the material when I don't need to worry about receiving a grade.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Chapter 2

Big Idea
The use of blogs is an important way to communicate information.

Enduring understanding
Web blogs facilitate collaborative learning between students and also gives them the opportunity to receive useful feedback from peers and teachers.
Web blogs are a useful source for schools and classrooms to share information.

 1. Why are the online filing cabinets a better resource for teachers and students rather than hard copies?
2. How is an online blog a useful way to facilitate the curriculum and meet the students' various learning styles?

 1. Online filing cabinets are a good resource for teachers and students because in most cases once students turn in an assignment, they are able to receive feedback quicker than if they had to wait for the hard copy to be returned.  Also, having the files inline allows them to be accessed from any computer so it is easier for a teacher to work with the assignments.  Also, the turning in of assignments online is a greener option than always turning in paper copies.

2. An online blog is a useful way to facilitate the curriculum in the fact that teachers are able to interact with their students through an online source.  The students are able to ask any questions or concerns that may arise, and their peers and teachers are able to comment and help them out.  This may allow shy students to ask their questions and understand the material better than if they just sat quiet in class.

Response to questions 1-3

1: What were the main point of the Frontline videos, Multitasking Makes You Less Productive and the Multitasking game?
   The main points of each of these was to point out that multitasking is a distraction to your learning.  When you start trying to do more than one thing at a given time, it becomes harder to balance each of those activities and one is bound to fall to the side.  And the more you try to do at the same time the harder it is going to be to focus on any one of those things. 

2. How do these resources impact your thinking about technology’s influence on multitasking?
   I think that technology only adds to want to multitask.  With the internet being so readily available and students having access to all sorts of sites like Hulu and YouTube, and applications like iTunes, I think the ability to only stay focused on one task is very hard these days.  I know personally when I work on papers I like to have music playing in the background, but even that is a form of multitasking and I could be compromising some of my attention to listen to the music.

3. What will you do differently as a future teacher as a direct result of this new thinking?
   As a teacher I will not allow the use of technologies such as iPods, computers, tablets, or cell phones in my class.  And if I see a student using one of these technologies without my permission they will get in trouble for it.  I believe that if they have the technology they will want to use it and that will only distract them for the lesson that I am trying to teach.  So no multitasking during my classes.